Clinical Breakdown
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This sheet has a summary of the information throughout the report. Note the numbers in this spreadsheet do not match the IPIF report - this is a clinical report that is not constrained by the indicator definitions. There are several tables each detailed below.
Smoking Status
Total Patients Aged over 15 - This is the number of patients who are aged over 15 enrolled in your PHO
Current Smoker - This is the number and percentage of patients over 15 currently recorded as current smokers
Ex Smoker - This is the number and percentage of of patients over 15 currently recorded as ex-smokers
Non Smokers - This is the number and percentage of of patients over 15 currently recorded as non-smokers
Not Recorded - This is the number and percentage of of patients over 15 who don't have their smoking status recorded
Total Recorded - This is the number and percentage of of patients over 15 who have their smoking status recorded
Total Patients Aged over 15 - This is the number of patients who are aged over 15 enrolled in your PHO
Diabetes Recorded - This is the number and percentage of patients aged over 15 who are recorded as having diabetes
Get Checked in last 12 Months - This is the number of patients who are recorded as having diabetes and have had a DAR in the last 12 months and the percentage of patients who are recorded as having diabetes who have received a DAR in the last twelve months.
Aged over 15 - This is the number of patients who are aged over 15 on your current register.
Eligible Male - This is the number of male patients on your current register who are eligible for a CVDRA.
Eligible Female - This is the number of female patients on your current register who are eligible for a CVDRA.
Total Eligible - This is the total number of patients on your current register who are eligible for a CVDRA.
For all three eligible values, there is a screened and percentage value.
Screened - This is the number of patients who have had a CVDRA in the last 5 years
Percentage - This is the percentage of patients in the eligibility criteria who have had a CVDRA in the last 5 years
Cervical Screening
Total Female Patients aged 20-69 - This is the number of Female Patients aged 20-69 on your current register.
Screening complete or exempt - This is the number and percentage of female patients aged 20-69 who have been screened or marked exempt in the PMS
Recorded as Refused - This is the number and percentage of female patients 20-69 who have been recording as refusing a cervical screen
Not Recorded - This is the number and percentage of female patients 20-69 who haven't received a screening or aren't recorded as either exempt or refused
Total Female Patients aged 45-69 - This is the number of female patients aged 45-69 on your current register.
Screening complete or exempt - This is the number and percentage of female patients aged 45-69 who have been screened or marked exempt in the PMS
Recorded as Refused - This is the number and percentage of female patients aged 45-69 who have been recording as refusing a mammogram screen
Not Recorded - This is the number and percentage of female patients aged 45-69 who haven't received a screening or aren't recorded as either exempt or refused
Ischaemic CVD
Total Patients aged over 15 - This is the number of patients who are aged over 15 on your current register.
Ischaemic CVD Recorded - This is the number and percentage of patients who have Ischaemic CVD recorded
Smoking Status
This spreadsheet has 4 tables; these tables show a pattern of smoking across the PHO e.g. higher percentages of 25-29 year old males or higher percentages of Maori who are smokers. This information is important when considering how to target smoking cessation information.
Each table shows the breakdown of the total enrolled patients and their smoking status. Each table has the following columns:
Current Smoker - The number of patients recorded as current smokers
Ex-Smoker - The number of patients recorded as Ex-smokers
Non-Smoker - The number of patients recorded as Non-smokers
Not Recorded - The number of patients who don't have a smoking status recorded.
Patients - Total number of registered patients
% Recorded - The percentage of Registered Patients who have a smoking status recorded
By Age Group
This table has the above columns broken down by the CPI age groups (5 year age bands)
By Ethnicity
This table has the above columns broken down by the main ethnic groups.
By Gender and Age Group
This table has the above columns broken down by the age groups in the Age Group table and then Gender (M or F) as well.
By Practice
This table has the columns broken down practice.
Smoking Status Graphs
These graphs all combine to 100% for each group with red representing current smokers, orange represent ex-smokers, green represents never smoker and grey status not recorded.
Smoking Age Group
There will usually be more people with a smoking status not recorded in the 15-19 age group. Generally the highest current smokers are those aged 20 - 29 years. However when combining the ex smoker and current smoking it is higher in the older age groups, decreasing after 65 (potentially show the impact of smoking on life expectancy)
Smoking Ethnicity
This spreadsheet has a graph of the by Ethnicity table on the Smoking Recorded spreadsheet, generally the rates of smoking are greater for Maori compared to other ethnicities.
Smoking Gender
This spreadsheet has a graph of the by Gender and Age Group table on the Smoking Recorded spreadsheet. These rates reflect those of the age group graph but the rate of smoking for women relative to men is lower during child bearing age groups.
Diabetes Ever Recorded
This sheet contains five tables.
The first four tables are broken down by the CPI Age Group.
The ethnicities used in these tables are:
Pacific Island
Other Asian
Other – This includes Unknown Ethnicity
Ethnicity by Age Group Numbers
This table shows the number of patients in each age group and each ethnic group who have been recorded in the PMS as having diabetes.
Ethnicity Percentage Table
This table shows what percentage in each age group and each ethnic group have diabetes recorded.
Gender Count Table
This table has a breakdown of patients who have diabetes by gender, please note that patients with unknown gender are not included in this table.
Gender Percentage Table
This table shows what percentage of the total population have Diabetes recorded. This table is broken down in the same columns and rows as the Gender Count Table.
By Practice
This table shows the number of patients with diabetes recorded by practice.
This table includes all practices with the PHO and includes the total number of patients and the percentage of this population who are recorded as having Diabetes.
Diabetes Ever Recorded Graphs
Each Graph is on a separate sheet and show the percentage of the population who have ever been recorded as having diabetes.
Diabetes Ever Recorded by Ethnicity
It is import to identify which ethnic group has the highest incidence of diabetes in order to tailor the clinical services. Generally the percentage is higher amongst Pacific Island, Indian and Maori ethnicities
Diabetes Ever Recorded by Age and Gender
Not surprisingly there is a big upward trend in diabetes starting around 35 which steadily grows in number, generally men seem to have a higher prevalence than women.
Diabetes Get Checked
This sheet contains five tables.
The first four tables are broken down by the CPI Age Group.
The ethnicities categories these tables are:
Pacific Island
Other Asian
Other – This includes Unknown Ethnicity
Ethnicity DAR in last 12 Months Count Table
This table has a breakdown of the patients who have diabetes by ethnicity.
PI Age Group and each Ethnicity who have received a DAR in the last 12 months.
Ethnicity Percentage Table
This table shows what percentage of Diabetics who have received a DAR in the last 12 months. This table is broken down in the same columns and rows as the Ethnicity DAR in last 12 Months Count Table.
Gender DAR last in last 12 Months Count Table
This table has a breakdown of patients who have received a DAR in the last 12 Months by Gender, please note that patients with unknown gender are not included in this table.
Gender Percentage Table
This table shows what percentage of Diabetics who have received a DAR in the last 12 months. This table is broken down in the same columns and rows as the Gender DAR last in last 12 Months Count Table
By Practice
This table shows the number of patients who have received a DAR in the last 12 Months by practice. This table includes all practices with the PHO and includes the total number of Diabetics and the percentage who have received a DAR in the last 12 Months
Diabetes Get Checked Graphs
Each Graph is on a separate spreadsheet.
Get Checked Ethnicity
This spreadsheet shows the DAR Ethnicity Percentage Totals from the Diabetes Get Checked spreadsheet as a graph.
Get Checked Gender
This spreadsheet shows the Diabetes Get Checked Gender Percentage table from the Diabetes Get Checked spreadsheet recorded as a graph.
This spreadsheet has 7 tables.
The first six tables in this spreadsheet contain a breakdown by CPI Age Group.
The ethnicities categories used in the tables in this spreadsheet are:
Pacific Island
Other Asian
Other – This includes Unknown Ethnicity
Female CVDRA Count Table
This table shows the females who have received a CVDRA broken down by Ethnicity and by CPI Age Group.
Female CVDRA Percentage Table
This table shows the percentage of the eligible female population who have received a CVDRA broken down by Ethnicity and by CPI Age Group.
Male CVDRA Count Table
This table shows the males who have received a CVDRA broken down by Ethnicity and by CPI Age Group.
Male CVDRA Percentage Table
This table shows the percentage of the eligible male population who have received a CVDRA broken down by Ethnicity and by CPI Age Group.
Total Age Group Table
This table shows the percentage of the eligible population who have received a CVDRA broken down by Gender and CPI Age Group.
Total Ethnicity Table
This table shows the percentage of the eligible population who have received a CVDRA broken down by Ethnicity and CPI Age Group
By Practice
This table shows the total screened patients, total eligible patients and percentage of total eligible patients screened by practice.
CVDR Population
This spreadsheet has the eligible CVDRA population tables.
There are two tables both breaking down the eligible population by Ethnicity and CPI Age Group. One table shows this information for Males and one for Females.
By Practice table
This table shows the total cvdra eligible population, total population over 15 years old and percentage of the total population over 15 who are CVDRA eligible. It has this information breakdown by practice.
CVDRA Graphs
Each Graph is on a separate spreadsheet.
CVDRA Ethnicity
This spreadsheet has a graph showing the total CVDRA ethnicity percentage.
CVDRA Gender
This spreadsheet has a graph showing the Total Age Group table.
CX Screening
This sheet has 3 tables the data is sourced from the PMS, however it has to be noted that not all practice management systems export the result of the screening so these results should not be taken as absolute - they should be used as a relative measure.
Every table shows a breakdown in the following columns:
Abnormal Screening
Exempt from Screening
Normal Screening
Refused Screening
No Screening
% Screened
By Age group
This table has the count of female patients and the results of their most recent screening who are in the age range for screening by Age Group.
By Ethnicity
This table has the count of female patients and the results of their most recent screening by Ethnicity
By Practice
This table has the count by Practice.
CX Screening Graphs
Each Graph is on a separate spreadsheet.
Cervical Screening by Age Group
This spreadsheet contains a graph showing the By Age Group Table and what percentage of each screening result makes up each Age Group.
Cervical Screening by Ethnicity
This spreadsheet contains a graph showing the By Ethnicity Table and what percentage of each screening result makes up each Ethnicity
This spreadsheet has 3 tables show PMS Mammography screening data
Every table shows a breakdown in the following columns:
Abnormal Screening
Exempt from Screening
Normal Screening
Refused Screening
No Screening
% Screened
By Age group
This table has the count of female patients and the results of their most recent screening who are in the age range for screening by Age Group.
By Ethnicity
This table has the count female patients and the results of their most recent screening who are in the age range for screening by Age Group.
By Practice
This table has the count by Practice.
Mammography Graphs
Each Graph is on a separate spreadsheet.
Mammography by Age Group
This spreadsheet contains a graph showing the By Age Group Table and what percentage of each of each screening result makes up each Age Group.
Mammography by Ethnicity
This spreadsheet contains a graph showing the By Ethnicity Table and what percentage of each of of each screening result makes up each Ethnicity
Isch CVD
The first four tables in this spreadsheet contain a breakdown by CPI Age Group.
The ethnicities categories used in the tables in this spreadsheet are:
Pacific Island
Other Asian
Other – This includes Unknown Ethnicity
By Ethnicity Count
This table shows the count of enrolled patients who have Ischaemic CVD recorded broken down by CPI Age Group and Ethnicity.
By Ethnicity Percentage
This table shows the percentage of enrolled patients who have Ischaemic CVD recorded broken down by CPI Age Group and Ethnicity.
By Gender Count
This table shows the count of enrolled patients who have Ischaemic CVD recorded broken down by CPI Age Group and Gender.
By Gender Percentage
This table shows the percentage of enrolled patients who have Ischaemic CVD recorded broken down by CPI Age Group and Gender.
By Practice
This table shows the count of currently registered patients the count of patients who have Ischaemic CVD recorded and the percentage of patients who fit this category. This information is broken down by Practice.
Ischaemic CVD Graphs
Each Graph is on a separate sheet.
Ischaemic CVD by Ethnicity
This sheet has a graph showing the percentage of patients with Ischaemic CVD ever recorded by ethnicity.
Ischaemic CVD Gender
This sheet has a graph showing the percentage of patients with Ischaemic CVD ever recorded by gender and age group.
This is the raw data that is used for calculating the population figures in all of the sheets. This is based on patients enrolled in your PHO with the age calculated as at the end of the quarter.