IPIF Analysis
This spreadsheet is a summary of indicators for the quarter, this was previously the IPIF indicators but is now SLM measures and contributory measures.
It includes details by practice and a graph of all your practices for each indicator.View a sample report (pdf 1.12Mb)A description of each sheet follows.
This is a straightforward contents page with clickable links to the pages and graphs.
Summary of indicators
This sheet is designed to show you where you and your practices are positioned in relation to the indicators (both paid and unpaid).
All the information in the spreadsheet relating to progress towards achieving the clinical indicators is drawn from the Practice Management System (PMS) via the Clinical Event Export.
However, the MoH may draws the information for some indicators from other sources (national databases), not from PHO/PMS information
Here is the breakdown of the sources from which MoH gets their information:
Sourced from PMS/PHO | Sourced from national databases | |
Paid |
Unpaid |
So, this Karo spreadsheet is not the official results, but for the indicators in the 'Sourced from PMS' column, it will be the data that the official results will be based on.
For the indicators in the 'Sourced from national databases' column, the data in the Karo spreadsheet will only be an indication of results and only reliable to the extent that screening and outcomes are saved into the PMS using standard screening terms and/or READ codes.
There are a series of tables within this sheet. The first is a grand total for the PHO, followed by a separate table for each practice within the PHO. Each table has an identical format and provides an overview by total population and high needs population with the indicators presented in 3 groups with the following order:
Indicators that are paid and sourced from the PHO - this is the most important indicators on the spreadsheet
Indicators that are unpaid and sourced from the PHO
Indicators that are unpaid and sourced elsewhere
For each indicator, the table presents the
- applicable population (the numerator)
- programme goal, the long-term desired number, the national goal/target
- PHO target as a number and %
- PHO results by number of people and as a percentage
- Target/Goal Met? yes or no depending on whether the PHO results number is greater than the PHO target number
Note: Ischaemic CVD and Diabetes Detection is no longer presented as relating to a Goal as there is no up-to-date estimate of prevalence. Diabetes Annual Review is now measured in relation to the number of diabetics recorded at the practice.
As a PHO, use this table as an early signal of your level of success towards achieving the targets and to support clinical governance to identify:
- where to prioritise clinical effort: which populations (high needs or general), which indicators and/or which practices.
- practices that may need support with managing their information. A low result may not necessarily mean work is not being done. It may not be recorded or may be inaccurately coded.
- funding priorities that may require advocacy with your DHBs.
- realistic targets for the next IPIF period.
Indicator by practice
This is a rearranged version of the information from the previous sheet. It allows you to quickly and easily compare the results for each of your practices for a given indicator. This information is then used to generate a graph which compares the practices for each indicator (total and high needs).
Brief Advice
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and percentage of recently quit and current smokers who have received brief advice by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the 90% target.
Brief Advice High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and percentage of high needs recently quit and current smokers who have received brief advice by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the 90% target.
CVD Risk Assessment
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of eligible patients who have received a CVDRA by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the 90% target.
CVD Risk Assessment High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and percentage of eligible high needs patients who have received a CVDRA by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
Diabetes Annual Review
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of diabetics who have received a DAR by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
Diabetes Annual Review High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and percentage of high needs diabetics who have received a DAR by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
Smoking Status
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of patients aged 14-75 who have their smoking status recorded by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
Smoking Status High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and percentage of high needs patients aged 14-75 who have their smoking status recorded by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
Current Smokers
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of patients aged 14-75 who have their smoking status recorded as a current smoker by practice.
Current Smokers High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of high needs patients aged 14-75 who have their smoking status recorded as a current smoker by practice.
Smoking Cessation Support
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of current smokers who are receiving cessation support by practice.
Smoking Cessation High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of high needs current smokers who are receiving cessation support by practice.
Cervical Screening
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of eligible patients who have received a cervical screen by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
Cervical Screening High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of high needs eligible patients who have received a cervical screen by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
65+ Flu Vaccine Coverage
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of patients aged 65+ who have received a Flu Vaccine by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.
65+ Flu Coverage High Needs
This spreadsheet has a graph showing all practices in your PHO and the percentage of high needs patients aged 65+ who have received a Flu Vaccine by practice.
The graph also includes a target line so you quickly assess which practices have and haven't achieved the target.