Utilisation and Clinical Indicators
This spreadsheet is a summary of visits (utilisation) and indicators for the quarter, this was previously the IPIF indicators but is now SLM measures and contributory measures.
It is important to distinguish between the number of visits and the utilisation rate. The absolute number of visits lets you see how much of your time is spent with different patient groups so is a good representation of time spent. However, when doing comparisons between groups, it is important to standardise to a utilisation rate. Otherwise it is easy to make mistaken judgments about which patient groups are receiving more or less service.
It is also very important when analysing by ethnicity or quintile to make sure that comparisons are done by age group. This is because different populations can have very different age distributions, and as utilisation varies by age group then comparison can be skewed.
All of the utilisation data excludes ACC, maternity, immunisation, scripts and administrative invoices. If your practices are not creating $0 invoices for visits that have no charge, then those visits will NOT be included in these totals.
This page has two sections summarizing the utilisation data for the quarter.
To calculate the utilisation for a month it is simply the total number of visits divided by the total enrolled patients - giving a utilisation rate.
To calculate the utilisation for a quarter the number of patients will need to be averaged over the quarter as the number of patients is not constant over the period.
The left hand side of this sheet shows utilisation by month and as a total for the quarter. It is broken down by the type of visit ( GP or Nurse/Other)
The right hand side shows the utilisation rate by month and funding age group. This makes it clear how much utilisation rate varies by age group.
Clickable links to other sheets are on the right hand side of this sheet.
This spreadsheet has a table showing Utilisation data for the last two years (Currently only back to the start of NES)
The table shows the monthly values for the following fields:
- Registered and Funded Patients in NES
- Gp Visits
- Gp Utilisation Rate
- Nurse/Other Visits
- Nurse/Other Utilisation Rate
- Total Visits
- Total Utilisation Rate
Utilisation Graph
This spreadsheet contains is a graph showing the information from the Utilisation sheet.
Age group
This spreadsheet contains a table detailing the Utilisation rates by Age. It breakdown the below information using the standard Age Groups.
- Registered and Funded Patients in NES
- Gp Visits
- Gp Utilisation Rate
- Nurse/Other Visits
- Nurse/Other Utilisation Rate
- Total Visits
- Total Utilisation Rate
Age group graph
This is a graphical representation of the utilisation on the previous sheet.
This spreadsheet has three tables each is detailed below:
- The first table has a breakdown of the patients funded and registered in NES by Age Group and if they have a Community Service Card.
- The second table has a breakdown of the visits by Age Group and Community Service Card.
- The third table has a breakdown fo the utilisation rates by Age Group and Community Service Card.
CSC Graph
This spreadsheet has a graph of the third table on the CSC spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet has three tables each is detailed below:
- The first table has a breakdown of the patients funded and registered in NES by Age Group and Quintile.
- The second table has a breakdown of the visits by Age Group and Quintile.
- The third table has a breakdown fo the utilisation rates by Age Group and Quintile.
Quintile graph
This spreadsheet has a graph of the third table on the Quintile spreadsheet.
Ethnic group
This spreadsheet has three tables each is detailed below:
- The first table has a breakdown of the patients funded and registered in NES by Age Group and Ethnic Group.
- The second table has a breakdown of the visits by Age Group and Ethnic Group.
- The third table has a breakdown fo the utilisation rates by Age Group and Ethnic Group.
Ethnic group graph
This spreadsheet has a graph of the third table on the Ethnic Group spreadsheet.
IPIF Indicators
This sheet is a summary of indicators for the quarter, this was previously the IPIF indicators but is now SLM measures and contributory measures.
This sheet is designed to show you where you and your practices are positioned in relation to the indicators (both paid and unpaid).
All the information in the spreadsheet relating to progress towards achieving the clinical indicators is drawn from the Practice Management System (PMS) via the Clinical Event Export.
However, the MoH may draws the information for some indicators from other sources (national databases), not from PHO/PMS information
Here is the breakdown of the sources from which MoH gets their information:
Sourced from PMS/PHO | Sourced from national databases | |
Paid |
Unpaid |
So, this Karo spreadsheet is not the official results, but for the indicators in the 'Sourced from PMS' column, it will be the data that the official results will be based on.
For the indicators in the 'Sourced from national databases' column, the data in the Karo spreadsheet will only be an indication of results and only reliable to the extent that screening and outcomes are saved into the PMS using standard screening terms and/or READ codes.
The table is broken into three groups as follows.
Indicators that are paid and sourced from the PHO - this is the most important indicators on the spreadsheet.
Indicators that are unpaid and sourced from the PHO.
Indicators that are unpaid and sourced elsewhere.
For each indicator, the table presents the
- applicable population (the numerator).
- programme goal, the long-term desired number, the national goal/target.
- PHO target as a number and %.
- PHO results by number of people and as a percentage.
- Target/Goal Met? yes or no depending on whether the PHO results number is greater than the PHO target number.