All the data for the cardiovascular risk assessment indicator is sourced from your PMS. The data is obtained from screening codes by way of mapping at the time the data is exported to Karo.
CardioVascular Disease Risk Assessment (CVDRA) is sent to the MoH as part of PHO reporting, this many in turn be reported to you DHB. The target is for 90 percent of the eligible population to have had their cardiovascular risk assessed in the last five years.
There is currently a mismatch between the eligible population for the MoH reports and the latest CVDRA guidelines - we are encouraging the MoH to look at aligning the reports to the guidelines but in the meantime we are using the old age groups.
Eligible population
- Maori, Pacific, Indian men 35 -75 years
- Maori, Pacific, Indian women 45 -75 years
- Other men 45 -75 years
- Other women 55 -75 years
Note: if you are usingPredict,this is not the same as their eligible population.Predictincludes people over 75 years, as well as others who have other issues that indicate they should have their risk assessed.
There have been cases of CVDRA done using third party tools likePredictandBest Practicewhere the CVDRA has not been written back correctly in the PMS. So if you thinkthe Karo numbers are too low, it is still important to check this at patient level.
Remember, we count the number of patients who have had a CVDRA in the lastfive years. So if a patient has had two assessments, they are only counted once. In other words, we are not counting the total number of CVDRAs done but the number of patients who have had an assessment.